- loamy soil
- суглинистый грунт
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационным и ракетным базам. - М.: Военное издательство министерства обороны Союза ССР. Составители: С. М. Никитин, Ю. И. Хрущев. 1962.
soil — soil1 soilless, adj. /soyl/, n. 1. the portion of the earth s surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus. 2. a particular kind of earth: sandy soil. 3. the ground as producing vegetation or as cultivated for its crops: fertile soil. 4. a… … Universalium
soil binder — noun : a plant (as any of various grasses or stoloniferous plants) used to prevent or capable of preventing soil erosion usually by forming dense mats of roots or of superficial growth * * * a plant that prevents or inhibits erosion by providing… … Useful english dictionary
loamy — adjective consisting of or having the character of loam richy loamy soil • Ant: ↑loamless • Derivationally related forms: ↑loam … Useful english dictionary
Soil texture — is a soil property used to describe the relative proportion of different grain sizes of mineral particles in a soil. Particles are grouped according to their size into what are called soil separates. These separates are typically named clay, silt … Wikipedia
soil — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 earth ADJECTIVE ▪ deep ▪ shallow, thin ▪ fertile, good, rich ▪ infertile … Collocations dictionary
loamy — adj. Loamy is used with these nouns: ↑soil … Collocations dictionary
loamy — loam ► NOUN 1) a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus. 2) a paste of clay and water with sand and chopped straw, used in making bricks and plastering walls. DERIVATIVES loaminess noun loamy adjective. ORIGIN Old English, «clay»: related … English terms dictionary
Blandford (soil) — Blandford soil series is the name given to a loam or sandy loam soil which has developed on glacial till in parts of southern Quebec and northern New England. It belongs to the brown podzolic soil group and occurs in hilly areas of the Green… … Wikipedia
Berkshire (soil) — Berkshire soil series is the name given to a well drained loam or sandy loam soil which has developed on glacial till in parts of southern Quebec, eastern New York State and New England south to Massachusetts. It belongs to the podzol soil group… … Wikipedia
Miami (soil) — Miami soil profile The Miami soil series is the state soil of Indiana. The less sloping Miami soils are used mainly for corn, soybeans, or winter wheat. The steeper areas are used as pasture, hayland, or woodland. Significant area has been… … Wikipedia
Paxton (soil) — Paxton, Fine Sandy Loam The Official State Soil of Massachusetts The Paxton soil series was established in Worcester County Massachusetts in 1922, and is named for the town of Paxton where it was first described and mapped. In 1991, the… … Wikipedia